Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah


The deadline to enroll is November 1st

Discover the transformative power of Kabbalah within the Mystery School tradition— a profound and time-tested system that has been guiding seekers for thousands of years.

Our program isn't just about learning; it's about experiencing the symbols of the Tree of Life firsthand, unlocking the blueprints that activate your life's purpose.

In this 10 months with Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah system, you can achieve what typically takes decades with other methods. This journey would bring you profound, life-changing insights in the most positive ways imaginable. You'll be invited to master a proven system to manifest your ultimate reality, experiencing accelerated and lasting transformation.

Once you commit to the Tree, you will never be the same. Working actively with your own Tree of Life (Blueprint) through the alchemical process of the Mystery School Kabbalah system, you would dissolve negative patterns to be the best version of yourself, and accomplish your Great Work. Be the leader that you are born to be, and fulfill your purpose to make the world better place!

Join us in the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program, where we don't just teach you about Kabbalah—we provide you with esoteric knowledge, energy, and the tools to truly live your life to the fullest!

Prerequisites: Life Activation & Empower Thyself Initiation

Upcoming Kabbalah Intro Events

Program Details

Four In-Person Immersion Trainings

  • Here you learn the framework of Kabbalah and get launched into the Tree of Life with the first ascension to Malkuth (Kingdom).

  • Here we take the next few steps of rising up the Tree of Life, by Unlocking its hidden Power, Tapping into and Transcending the Power of the Conscious Mind and Healing Old Wounds, with the Yesod (Foundation), Hod (Splendor), Netzach (Victory), and Tiphareth (Beauty) ascensions.

  • Tapping Into Universal Consciousness, Stepping Into Your True Power and Entering Into Real Grace, with Geburah (Power) and Chesed (Love/Mercy) ascensions.

  • Creating Your Real Life, Living With Power, and Reclaiming Your True Worth, with final ascensions into the Supernals.

Study Groups

Included in your tuition is 11 mandatory Study Groups lead by Yoko in NYC in person that will take place between ascension classes, approximately every 2-4 weeks apart. These Meetings are designed to deepen your knowledge and energetic connection with each Sphere to support your integration process so that you can best navigate through your experience and reflect more on what the Tree of Life is showing you about yourself. It is crucial for you to attend these Study Groups as additional tools will be handed down each time. As you go through the process in group setting, you will be amazed by how it is a part of your alchemical transformation. Please inquire Yoko for more details in Consultation.

TENTATIVE Study Group Dates: Mark your calendars! 📆

  • MALKUTH: January 24, 2025

  • YESOD: February 6, 2025

  • HOD: February 27th, 2025

  • NETZACH: March 13, 2025

  • TIPHARETH: March 27, 2025

  • GEBURAH: May 1, 2025

  • CHESED: May 29, 2025

  • DAATH: June 19, 2025

  • BINAH: July 31, 2025

  • CHOKMAH: August 28, 2025

  • KETHER: September 18, 2025


Yoko’s Kabbalah program is truly extraordinary and I give it my highest recommendation. After mine I experienced amazing development in my life! - new confidence, first ever clients for my new business, transformed destructive relationships with my family, and more. Now I am without a doubt living my dream life. Yoko is not only extremely potent and powerful, but she is so sweet, so real, and her HEART lives and breathes in her work. I am blessed to have had this experience and you would be, too.

Nathan Shultz, NYC (Executive Coach, elevatewithpurpose.com)

Kabbalah program with Modern Mystery School helped me see my trauma as pattern of ancestral patterns and helped me work through them to clear myself.  It also brought me more into healing my relationships with my family and clearing out my mind to more clear and focused on my own needs and wants versus programming.  It helped me begin to build my life for myself and my spirit, manifesting new generation in my family line with so much blessings.  

J. Kemp, NYC (Senior Flight Attendant) 

The Kabbalah Ascension Program played an integral part in my career success over the last 12 months.  I left the program feeling more solid and centered.  More importantly, the energy of the Tree set in motion a series of events that took me way out of my comfort zone and into the next level in my career.  Kabbalah also gave me the fortitude to manage a significant and challenging amount of growth and new development.  

A. Keith, NYC (Sr. Director at a Financial Services Company) 

The Kabbalah Tree with Yoko was powerful and literally mind blowing. My life was disrupted and rattled until many things I had been hiding or hiding from came into view. As challenging a process as this was, it was also empowering and liberating. I have a deep love for the Tree and an appreciation for all it helped me to see and realize. 

Sasha. S, London UK (Artist) 

Meet your instructorS
Yoko maria 


Born and Raised in Japan, Yoko has lived in France, England, Italy and now based in NYC as well as Tokyo. She speaks 4 languages and also is trained in the language of Spirit from the ancient time. It all comes through the same system - the "MIND", and she is constantly seeking the way to elevate Human Mind, which is the part of the Human Soul.

After 10 years of in a Corporate Career in Tokyo, she went into the different course as a Spiritual Guide, Healer and Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. She has developed and refined her knowledge and skillset through Kabbalistic / Hermetic Science and Art.

Especially the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is what opened her up to the higher purpose, and she is passionate about sharing this incredible teaching to those who are ready to move forward in their life, to make the world better place as New Shamballah.

One of her missions is to bridge the opposites - East and West, Science and Art, Body and Mind, Spirit and physical, Business and Spirituality, Masculine and Feminine, Light and Shadow - the Dual Nature of Human would be united in the Higher Mind / Purpose to build a new future where we can come together as One Human Race.

Like a great poet / initiate RUMI once said, she believes that we can meet in a field beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, being able to communicate each other in sophisticated manner in everyday life. Through the Tree, we explore that Universal language of light and compassion that illuminates the Soul of Human for the next level of Evolution.

Meet your instructors
Christina Mars

Kabbalah Instructor

Christina Mars, Vice-President of Communications for the MMS, began her journey with the Kabbalah shortly after becoming initiated into the mystery school tradition. What started out as a personal odyssey of self-discovery, it became clear to Christina that the power of the Kabbalah was something she wanted to share with others.

Christina has a unique ability to bring the esoteric concepts of Kabbalah into practical, real-life situations and shows others how to apply this wisdom every day. A key motivating factor for Christina is to inspire others to remember that there is choice in life. Empowerment comes from knowing that there is choice and that one doesn’t have to live a life that is not enjoyable or fulfilling.

Magick, ancient knowledge, the teachings of the mysteries on the path ofinitiation all contain the keys to healing, empowerment, joy and passion in life — and it has become Christina’s mission in life to share these keys with all those seeking and desiring to move forward in their own lives. The Kabbalah and Tree of Life hold those keys.

For more than a decade, Christina has helped many people get to know themselves not only through the Kabbalah but also through personal healing sessions, activations, initiation and the magick of Wicca. As a Wiccan High Priestess and lineage holder for the Wiccan magick in the Modern Mystery School, she has connected many people with the transformational power that exists with the elements and nature, and weaves that connection into all that she does. As a Kabbalah Instructor, she shares the ancient wisdom of the Tree of Life with initiates who wish to master their mind and emotions, fulfill their life’s purpose and connect with the divine expression of themselves and with God.

Tuition Information

Pricing and Packages for Universal Kabbalah

enrollMent Instructions:


Download your application and submit to Yoko via email (yokomarianyc@gmail.com)


Schedule your free consultation with Yoko to review your application and get your questions answered


Submit your $400 Deposit* to reserve your spot. (*$414 with 3.5% credit card processing fee.) Regardless of payment choice, you will need to submit this non-refundable deposit.

Deadline to enroll is November 1st.

*Local sales taxes vary by location and 3.5% service fees are applicable, in addition to the total cost. To register, a $400* non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is required.