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Sacred Geometry 3 - Healing of 7 Layers of Aura with Egyptian Pantheon

Level 3 of Sacred Geometry Academy is for those who wish to deepen the knowledge of the Language of God that manifested the Heaven and the Universe, as well as Human structure.

We will heighten the Power of Manifestation enlightening another layer of the Sacred Geometry in the 7 layers of Aura of Human. You are going to work with Egyptian Deity to activate your connection with Astral Dimensions and your physical reality.

This modality is very powerful to clean up your Aura and the quality of your Dream - Astral Travel experience as you will be purified and protected with Egyptian gods/goddesses. You can use this modality for yourself and for others - it is a great add on to your Service to Humanity coming from the Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon.

* LOCATION: Chelsea Office 

* PRE-REQ: Empower Thyself initiation, Sacred Geometry Level 1 & 2

* TUITION: $425 including Manual & Supplies / Repeating Students: $100 

* INSTRUCTOR: YOKO (Certified Guide | Modern Mystery School)

February 2

Sacred Geometry 2 - Be a Crystal Energy Worker