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Egyptian Meditation

Come join us to celebrate life with the Family of RA with Egyptian Meditation in the Lineage of King Salomon!

We will invite the ancestral god and goddess of from the Family of RA - Geb and Nut! The father god and the mother goddess of the creation. Nut is the mother Goddess of Sky and Geb is the father god of the Earth, and together they have founded the children of Earth. Through them, new Galactic energy of Creation is coming into the planet Earth and to Humanity. They will support to build your new foundation for your new future! Connect with your archetypes of creational god / goddess within.

$50 Walk-in / $45 if you pay in full via Eventbrite

Venue: Flatiron Office

April 6

Full Moon Online Gathering: Venus Moon in Libra

June 1

Full Moon Online Gathering: Jupiter Moon in Sagittarius