Pluto in Aquarius - the 2nd season



How are you doing? Are you feeling the shift that has been coming into your life with Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius?  This year marks the true beginning of the Aquarius Era with the planet Pluto going back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius with its Retrograde. It is the second contact with Aquarius, then it is going to go back into Capricorn again in September but soon move back into Aquarius in November 2024 - and that is IT. 

Pluto is the furthest "planet' in our solar system and from our perspective on the Earth, it moves slowly - with an energetic density that pulls us from deep within. Pluto / Hades is the name of the King of the Underworld, who is as powerful as Zeus and resourceful in the opposite direction. 

With the energy of Aquarius, last time when it was in Pluto, the French Revolution broke out that terminated the old system, thus the beginning of the "Modern Society". Did it make the world a better place? I don't know. Did it industrialize society? Yes, very much so. What did it do to the quality of life of Humans on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level? We may have certain observations but I honestly do not know how to assess this. It is to look back and see what it did when we fully entered into the next phase of life. 

We are still moving back and forth to get ourselves ready for the other side, so we've got to use this year well to transit, so let's make this world a better place, by making our reality a better place!  

My recommendation is to be in tune with the divine blueprint of Heaven and Universe with Ensofic Rays - the original Rays of Creation. You can establish the connection with the rays by Life Activation, Empower Thyself Initiation, Kabbalah, and also The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Reiki (TM) System!  


// Upcoming Events

Ensofic Reiki Level 1 class is happening in NYC this weekend, and there is a couple of more spots left for you! This is the modality that supported the community and myself during the Pandemic - it is one of the best gift to offer in your tool box wherever you go especially in the time of uncertainty. It works and it helped many many people's lives in many different ways. Level 1 is important to lay your Foundation with the Rays coming through Kabbalistic Tree of Life. If you are interested in Kabbalah System with the ancient unbroken lineage, it is for YOU! 


Hades / Pluto - The Lord of the Underworld


New Moon, New year intentional journaling - in person nyc event